1. Driving a car: Relying on your brakes to work and total strangers to be sober and stop at red lights

2. Taking a flight: Relying on total strangers to have done their jobs and performed proper security checks and then on a total stranger to have had a good night's sleep and show up for work sober

3. Ordering a pizza: Relying on a total stranger to not harm you when you open your front door, usually in the dark

4. Going to a restaurant: Relying on a total stranger not to poison you

5. Walking down the street: Relying on total strangers not to stab you as you walk by

6. Going on a roller coaster: Relying on total strangers to have built the ride properly, more total strangers to have performed regular safety checks and another total stranger to operate it properly

7. Having an operation: Relying on total strangers to clinically kill you and then revive you

8. Going to the Dentist: Relying on a total stranger not to stick the drill into your eye

9. Sending your child to school: Relying on a stranger to drive a bus safely, a stranger to help your child cross the street and more strangers to teach your child

10. Getting your haircut: Relying on stranger to not stab you in the neck and more importantly, to give you a nice haircut

Relying on at least one poster making me laugh every day when I log in and if I'm lucky teach me a thing or two about gambling and sports? Not so bizarre when you think about it.