Originally posted on 12/22/2010:

Hey man,

Welcome to the forum! (haha not sure I've been here long enough to say that, but whatever!)

There's a ton of information throughout the forum, and lots of people, including myself, maintain threads of our daily bets. Between those and threads that pop up daily regarding popular bets, you can usually get a feel for what a good pick may be.

A few rules that I have found successful:

1. Don't overextend yourself. This means keep your bet sizes reasonable. For your bankroll size, I'd recommend you set $5/units. Most plays make a 1 unit bet, and make plays you are very confident on 2 units. Don't go above that.

Also, try to limit the number of games you bet on each day. Instead of making 10 bets, put time into researching 2-3 games a day. You'll see better results.

2. Don't chase losses. Nobody wins every bet. If you lose, don't double or triple your bet size to try to get back to a high point. Unfortunately a losing streak doesn't mean a win is any closer.

3. Keep track of your bets as well as profit/losses. SBR has a great spreadsheet system that you can use to do this.

Bankroll management and responsible betting/money control is a huge part of succeeding in this. Just play smart and don't get greedy.