Originally posted on 10/28/2010:

Thanks for the donation!! As for the reps - I think (hope) you are wrong. Without turning this thread too political, I know for me - I give what I can - but don't want to be forced (through taxes) to give to people that someone else decides deserves the money more than I do. I think that is the big thing with Repubs - let us decide how much to give and to whom.
NewGuy, 5 star post.

A lot of liberals mistakenly believe that conservatives are mean stingy Grinches because they are opposed to entitlement programs but nothing could be further from the truth. On average, conservatives are far more generous when it comes to charitable causes than liberals.

Liberal democrats are very generous and charitable with OTHER PEOPLES MONEY but sing a whole different tune when it comes to their own. There are, of course, exceptions to this.

Golfrulz, thanks for the nomination. Glad to see that 2 people with opposite political beliefs can agree on things from time to time.