I'd have to wager that all the young-bucks that post on here and also gamble have little or NO chance of beating these modern computer books?

Several things will and do go wrong!

1. If you're married, there's one major strike already against you.

2. Even if you are lucky enough to win big money in one great month with a combination of luck and skill, you'll most likely, lose it all back [and plus!] the next month.

3. The unknown factor is a downright killer for many gamblers. There's only about a thousand unknowns that can affect the outcome of a sports game!

4. You, again, most likely, will have to lose a fortune so to learn the ropes sports gambling to have any chance of beating these Books.

5. The young guys, in general, think they are invincible. They are one's heading for the wall, first!

6. Gambling for bucks is an almost, 100% job. Unlike the other steady job you young guys are working at now, to pay bills, and keep a residence. Screw up on your part-time gambling job and you'll lose both of those!

7. Gambling for a living can have high financial rewards, yet, like I mentioned already, it has tremendous drawbacks, too! Like losing a lot of sleep. Worrying about paying your bills. Loss of social life. Health problems, either with nerves, simply your body going to waste because of sitting on your rump in front of a TV or computer for hours and hours. Also, you will get cheated by other gamblers and Books, more than you would ever have believed.

8. Here is an opening for yet another reason to NOT gamble on sports.....I'll let two old veteran pros fill in # 8 and # 9

JJGOLD and FISHHEAD....Fill in those two examples. Please boys?