Handicapping games is not like walking into a casino and blowing your life savings on a red at the roulette wheel. Its not a thoughtless, reckless gamble, there is a skill to it, takes hard work and you need to put your hours in, understand the markets, prices, line movements, put in the research, build contacts and that's just getting started but we are put in the same bucket as casino gamblers who play slots all day or spin roulette wheels hoping to get lucky.

Capping games is more similar to trading than non-skill casino gambling (not incl. Blackjack and Poker were skill is involved) but being a trader is perceived as a wonderful job while capping is frowned upon. Infact now with the exchanges you can trade in sports betting aswell.

Alot of people will say, but most cappers don't do well, well most people don't do very well in whatever they do, more than 90% of start up businesses fail and only a very small % of the population are successful in whatever they do so its no surprise that the ratio of cappers doing well is low, its the same in any business.

I'm not saying everybody will or can make it but you have as much chance as doing anything else if you work hard enough at it.