My son just came back from school, and he is hungry. I can give him any of the gazillion things we have in the refrigerator... but I have an idea. Would not be very nice that the friends at SBR forum help me to buy a pizza to feed a hungry child? It is a noble cause.

So, with that idea in mind, I am offering loans from now. All of the net utility earned from these loans will be used to buy pizzas for my son. Just imagine his happy face when the delivery guy arrives with a pizza for him!

My terms are very clear. I loan only to guys with very high credit score. Loans from 100 points up, 15% if repaid in 1 day, 30% at 6 points/day. I said clearly: Six points each day. NOT SEVEN, NOT FIVE. IS IT TOO HARD TO UNDERSTAND? And I must have them before the 5:00 PM, as it is when most lines close. Err, the phone lines at the pizza store, I mean.

If you send your daily payment at 5:01, you will be labeled "slow pay". If you miss one daily payment, you will be reported immediately as "taking away pizza from a hungry child" in the SBR credit report. So, if you have another things to do in life, and are unable to log in and post in SBR every single day, better go and find something else to do instead of robbing the smile of a hungry child. And of course, you must pay all the transfer taxes. My hungry son is not expected to pay them, you insensitive clod.

To all the rest of SBR users, thanks for helping to raise points for this noble cause. Soon I will offer an sportsbook, where half of your won points will be deducted to the "pizza for a hungry child" fund.

Thanks to all of you.