Originally posted on 10/31/2022:

cdc head walensky has covid AGAIN

so 5 vaccines, a course of paxlovid, and 3 bouts of covid later... how many times will she keep praising the vaccines and paxlovid? hmmmm

so instead of just admitting that the vaccines and paxlovid don't work... the mainstream media doubles down on stupid and claims we should essentially just keep locking ourselves indoors forever, and blaming it on not being quarantined long enough or not wearing a paper mask

what clowns, slaves to the system until the very end and never EVER under any circumstances blame a pharmaceutical product for the harm that those products cause

"while Covid-19 vaccines can offer good protection, being up-to-date on your vaccination would not be like wearing a concrete full body condom. It won’t offer 100% protection against the virus. The best way to cover the limitations of each Covid-19 precaution is to layer on multiple precautions at a time. That would mean in addition to getting vaccinated, wearing face masks while indoors, staying at least six feet, which is about one Harry Styles, apart from others, and making sure that the surrounding air is well-ventilated with plenty of fresh air exchange. "
