Originally posted on 08/15/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by ByeShea View Post
So nothing specifically. This is a little like the guy here who claims Trump told 40,000 lies yet has trouble dialing one up for the forum.
Here's a link that you won't read, because it shows what a F'n Lyimg POShit he is.


Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

There’s a high bar to accusing someone of committing a “lie,” and we don’t do it lightly.
A lie isn’t just a false statement. It’s a false statement whose speaker knows it’s false. In these instances, the president — or his administration — have clear reason to know otherwise. Reporters are understandably cautious about using the word — some never do, because it requires speculating on what someone is thinking. The cases we call "lies" are ones where we think it's fair to make that call: Trump is saying something that contradicts clear and widely published information that we have reason to think he's seen. This list also includes bullshit: speech that is — in its academic definition — "unconnected to a concern with the truth."