Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30851895'>posted</a> on 04/21/2022:

Otter start in your home state and work within a radius to span out.

Where applicable, use apps that span multiple states, no matter what state you are in.

Don’t circumvent rules, and if you think you might be, contact the book and talk to them.

Otters you could have so many outs, so many. Take advantage. Be funded everywhere and between the chalky gambling make smart moves. Play the houses against each other for guaranteed profit or a just to put yourself in a position to win or break even.

The will let you do this all day long. You will never be limited.

Try to stay disciplined, at least when it’s not a chalky rush bet.

See the Scott Foster thread that isn’t about Scott Foster. See if you can pick up anything from there. You don’t need to absorb it all but I’m sure you can use something.