Originally posted on 11/17/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by shari91 View Post
And now he’s made 8 new accounts. Seriously I’m about done with this shit.
Sucks. You've ALWAYS helped posters out. You've removed bans on people even I thought didn't deserve a second chance. As a mod you've been here the longest and always been honest and fair.

But none of that matters for the "players advocate". Why? Because he'a a piece of shit. Its not entertaining. And more than anything, its tone-deaf.

We all troll. We all have our bad days but ya gotta know when someone is having a worse day than yourself and not to intentionally push their buttons.

I've read some things Judy has written in the last few days and its sad.

He has no game plan. He doesn't have an "ace up the sleeve". Hes simply acting out like a child that didn't get his way.

Hang in their love, it will get better. Im a believer this place is worth sticking around for and Rudy will be forgotten within a few days.