Originally posted on 09/18/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by CDUBB_CW View Post
So all Whites get along? All Chinese get along? All Indians get along? All Hispanics get along? I sure hope you're a white man, speaking from your race point of view or you need to assess yourself . This interview is similar to Beastmode a few years ago at the SB press conference. It was funny back then when it wasn't about BLM.

Alot of good guys on this forum that I respectfully disagree on their opinions regarding politics. I don't think much of you have black friends to fully understand our fight. All the black athletes you guys worship grew up oppressed.
why does it have to be your fight? what exactly are you fighting against? the notion that a large number of police officers are just killing black people for the color of their skin is downright silly and untrue.

doesn't matter what color your skin is in this country... if you do 3 things you will be successful

1) graduate high school
2) get married before having children
3) work hard

blacks have an easier path than any other race in this country... if there's 5 exactly similar applicants to any college in the country, or any job in the country, and one of them is black, the black person will get the admission or the job