Originally posted on 06/18/2020:

Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
and what if that same group knew that locking people in their own homes, away from sunlight (vitamin d), away from human contact, weddings, funerals, work, church... would cause irreparable mental and physical damage? and that same group knew that wearing masks cause brain damage and other illnesses, while doing nothing to prevent the spread of a virus? would that change your mind on all this "selfish behavior" from people not wanting to wear masks and breathe back in their own carbon dioxide?
Doctors, nurses and surgeons been wearing masks for years, hours at a time with no repercussions..
Would have thought if its as bad for a person as you say, another alternative would have been found a long, long time ago..
Not condoning the wearing of a mask just think it's not harmful as you say..