Originally posted on 10/23/2019:

Quote Originally Posted by Halfapointoff View Post
Do you have evidence that he bribed or blackmailed another country? Is impeachment same as committing a crime? Think long and hard....I’ll ask again what crime has he committed?
well here is what is happening now, are you paying attention to S Taylor at all. hmmm, do I have evidence, of course not. Does anybody hae evidence well that is what we are trying to prove and here is the circumstantial evidence I have concerning his criminality. All the women claiming abuse, all the jobbers claiming not being paid, all the suppliers not being paid, his fake school, his bitching about immigrants and hiring them at the same time, and proving this will be up to the courts and congress.

let me ask you this question, if some god of justice visited you tonight (and I asked this before so be patient) and said hey half a whatever I know what happened with Trump and this quid pro quo thing and it isn't any shade it is black and white that I can tell you. Now here is the deal, I am going to ask you to guess if he is guilty/innocent and if you are right I will give you a fortune in money and if you are wrong I will kill you dead right now.

you will balk naturally and claim I don't know, the god of justice replies too bad you make a decision in the next 20 seconds and he/she starts counting. tell me half a something or other will you say guilty or innocent. lol

we all know what you would say, we know what his wife would say, and his kids and the entire fckin world.