Originally posted on 12/12/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by EmpireMaker View Post
Businesses look for countries that they can decrease the costs of production in, primarily these cost savings come from lower labor and material costs in these countries. Real Business Tax rates here are now very low compared to other countries definitely in the lower third, yet these companies are still leaving (Carrier, Ford, Verizon, Harley Davidson ...etc etc) so that flies in the face of the tax argument.

Bernie and AOC propose Medicare for All they know that it isn't free, what they are taking into account is the cost of all healthcare expenditures right now and comparing that to diverting all of that money to M4A, this proposal would insure everyone and saving money. Why? because insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies are making insane levels of excess profits in the current system (example: An EpiPen two-pack costs more than $600 in the U.S., less than $100 in France, and $69 in Britain.) Medicare For All would give the government enormous power to negotiate or regulate prices to be in line with the rest of the World. Insurance companies make insane money in this current system, that how their CEO's get 50, 60, 70, 80 Million Dollars a year in pay, where do you think that money comes from ? (and that money is on top of what is paid out to stockholders). All taxes included you and I would pay about 10% less and get better healthcare (just by cutting out the middlemen {insurance companies} and having power to make big pharma charge fair prices and cutting out some redundancies in the system). FYI : Tariffs are equal to new taxes on consumers, because companies pass their increased costs directly on to consumers.

"When politicians want to hike alcohol, sugar, tobacco, gas or other taxes its "not" passing the cost on to the consumer" You are right, Those taxes are regressive and disproportionally affect poor and middle income people. What Bernie wants to do is close tax loopholes for the super rich, inheritance taxes for the super rich and cut out loopholes that allow many corporations to pay zero net taxes.