Originally posted on 09/19/2018:

Bumps x2

Journal entry by Mindy McBride — 5 hours ago
Sometimes I just wonder if the poor guy can catch a break!

Yesterday we had some movement and the bowel blockage is working out on its own and then began the throwing up! Come to find out after an x-ray this morning his J tube has threaded its way into a loop and may be causing the nausea. They may be going back in to try and fix it, stay tuned.

PT had him sitting up on the bed again and moved into the chair (see picture from yesterday and today). Today the speech therapist helped him cough and we heard some air flow through his vocal folds! Andy's voice/sound was really raspy as he tried to say AHHHHH, but we heard it!!! Our selfie pictures are of him smiling! He is practicing and gaining that muscle strength along with head control!

Keep those prayers coming! Due to all of the set backs they do not think we will be ready to go to a LTAC (long term acute care) facility until next week.
