Originally posted on 09/16/2018:

This was posted an hour ago...

Good morning, #TeamAndy

Yesterday morning Andy woke up with a large swollen right arm. The team completed an ultrasound on all extremities and found some small blood clots in his right arm near the IV area that will dissipate on their own. Andy was able express that his stomach was not feeling well. He moved his arm a bit and I began asking him yes/no questions of what hurt. When he pointed to his stomach and blinked his eyes for yes we knew that was it! The respiratory therapist started his metaneb treatment and he got sick! Well come to find out after a midnight x-ray and a 2 a.m. CT scan, Andy has a bowel obstruction. We are trying to resolve the bowel obstruction by fasting, intravenous hydration and decompressing his PEG tube. We will try these protocols before looking at surgery. Andy is also has a neurogenic bladder disfunction caused by the west nile encephalitis , this means he cannot feel that he has to urinate and retains his urine. We feel the bowel obstruction is the same, it is because of the neurological damage from the west nile encephalitis.*

On a positive note, Andy went from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on a weaning trial from the ventilator!! This means his lungs are getting stronger!*

For those that live in the area, our softball crew is putting together a fundraiser today at Erickson Park/Fields in downtown Rosemount. Stop on by from 12 p.m.- 6 p.m. for a root beer float, all proceeds will go to our family! I will be there with the girls from 12 p.m. - 3p.m. for Elsa's softball games, come stop by field 2!

With love,*
