Originally posted on 09/03/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
I think his suggestion that 2 year bonds paying 2.5% are better than preferred stocks like bhr-b, cdr-c, etc that pay 7%+ is pretty silly

people thinking that rates will eventually go way up have been wrong for years and years, and will continue to be wrong... taking a return that is less than inflation (net of taxes) is no way to build up net worth

The title of this thread is “total return”, right?

How much do think you will get in total return on a preferred or a reit (cdr-c) paying a 7% dividend if the 10yr goes to 4%? Go look at the returns on those since the election. It is negative even with your dividend.

I belive we have got most of the upside in the 10yr yield that we will get until Europe and Japan tighten their monetary policy. But what happens then, Mikey?

In my post, I was saying if you want fixed income, you may look at some short term individuals vs bond funds. I didn’t say, you should buy 2yr bonds instead of stocks.

But it is probably best for me to stay out of this conversation.

Peace and cheers, fellas.