Originally posted on 05/05/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
Ya that’s not true at all.

As a society we shouldn’t accept overt racism or hate speech of any kind.

You think because he wasnt wasn’t at school he should be allowed to call blacks n1ggers or Mexican spics because it’s legal? What kind of fukked up society do you want to live in?

I could care less if you are racist but you shouldn’t have the right to take that racism in public and advertise it. At some point you have to stop thinking just about your personal rights and elevate your thinking a level and consider what is not just your right but what is the right thing to do for this group of people forced to live with you on a daily basis

Honestly guys that only think about their personal rights in these academic discussions tend to have the lowest iq, there are multiple levels of more complex thinking that go beyond simply your personal rights
Problem is, who determines when and for what people should be punished? The same libtards that suspended the commentator for saying, "Cotton picking mind"? There will always be disagreements in our society over what should or shouldn't be allowed, therefore "society" cannot be entrusted to consistently determine what is acceptable and laws must continue to guarantee our freedom of speech.