Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27564907'>posted</a> on 02/04/2018:

The metrics I’m involved in are so advanced even I can’t figure them out completely

I understand them but haven’t dialed in the system to the point of reference existentially

Im almost to the point in my handicapping that I honest to god believe I can pick the winner

just by smelling the Game ball being used on the opening snap

Every bettor in the world = Checkers

FidelCashFlow aka Iw1nCashFlow aka Iw1nBets aka Wh1teCh0c0late aka PaleRidah = Chess

Im at that point in my handicapping that my heart beats so hard in my chest as

scenarios and angles are cognitively being absorbed into my cerebral processing center

Im at the point in my handicapping/forecasting that I’m able to stop other neurons

from firing which could prove to be inhibitors of the information at hand not being fully consumed

This my friends is neurodevelopmental attributes yet to be seen in mankind

This is just the groundwork my friends , there are other avenues I haven’t even thought up

yet but at the same time already tried . (Going to allow you time to catch up on what I just said)

YES !!! I’m on drugs . YES !!! I may have slight brain damage from all the trauma

and YES YES YES I will be watching this game with my daughters hamster on my shoulder

All I ask of you my brethren , is to take the Patriots Moneyline and for once

be on the same platform to be able to Walk With God

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God."

Now click on this video and scroll up and read that all again with this playing