Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27562322'>posted</a> on 02/03/2018:

Dump fans have to admit that of all the lies that he vomits on a daily bases, the one that makes you look the dumbest is this :
"On DAY ONE, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall and guess who's paying for it ... "

C'mon man, we all been there: You bought weed in the park and when you've got home it was pine needles and oregano.

Plus, let me break this to you Dumpsters : YOU DON'T NEED THE WALL ! Because everything that it represents : the bigotry, the racism, the ignorance, the paranoia - is already in your heart.
-Every time you vote for a child molester because the other choice is a democrat - the wall is there.
-Every time you feel rage because the voice recording says " For spanish press 2 "- the wall is there.
- It's there when you begin a Facebook post with : " I'm not a racist, but ... "
- It's there when a Unisex bathroom makes you hold it 'till you get home.
- It's there when snow makes you deny the Global Warming ... and it's there every time you are Sean Hannity.
... because, you see, even without it, you are the grumpy asshole who ruins Thanksgiving ...

Courtesy of Bill Maher.