Originally posted on 01/12/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
Trump is right. If African countries are not shitholes then why doesn't Oprah and Al Sharpton emigrate there permanently?
Pavy - you, Trump and most people at SBR have obviously never been to Africa, nor many places around the world. I'm going to let you in on a secret... Africa has countries that are on par, maybe even better than the best places here in the US. The ignorance and arrogance of US citizens knows no end. US cities are shit holes, with huge numbers of homeless, unemployed, beggars, muggers, drug addicts, mass murderers. The US has shitty cities with shitty ass people. We have vets killing themselves on the hour every hour, we have mass shootings every day. Our roads are a fukkking mess, our diets are worst, obesity is rampant, dropout rates are epidemic, crime out the ass and our health care sucks. We are all arrogant pricks because we haven't stepped out of this place to even see how many countries have passed us up. Our education is so poor that we have scores of dumb ass people. We're not even in the top 50 of educated countries. Sure, it's great to poke fun at other countries because it totally takes our focus off of how fukked up we really are.

I have friends that have moved to parts of Africa and they would never come back to the US. One friend lives in a beautiful villa off the coast in Ghana. She has a cook, driver, maids, gardener, etc. for less than $1,000 USD per month. There is ZERO crime and the people are the most friendly in the world. Have you ever been to Cape Town or Johannesburg? I'd put those cities up against any US city. They are some of the wealthiest in the world too. Do you really want to compare them to shitholes like Detroit, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Gary Indiana, etc., etc.? Google is your friend. Why not google beautiful cities in Africa.