Originally posted on 01/09/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
bullshit, JJ.... most went to la because they were "hot" in high school and they wanted not to work an ordinary job and wanted to be "a star" like wynona f'n ryder or j law.....

found out real quick they're, in your old favorite phrase, a "diamond dozen" [translation: dime a dozen"], and being hot or relatively hot is everywhere, and they need talent....

they wash out due to no talent, and migrate north, up to the valley after mulling over their options: minimum wage at starbucks or the gap, or make a whole week's min wage salary getting fukked for an hour on film.... and presto, they're a whole new kind of star....

This is the norm in Hollywood and in Los Angeles, California.. I see it all the time..

These chicks come from every where and while they were hot super stars in their little hick towns across America they get out here to LA and they are just another pretty face that's lacking skills.. Their dreams of becoming an actress or famous are quickly crushed.. They usually become waitresses.. Lazy ones or ones hooked on drugs get desperate and go into porn, become strippers and or try the escort service to support the habit and pay the bills....