Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27407329'>posted</a> on 12/06/2017:

I will be optimistic about the tax plan but not holding my breath. Great time to be a shareholder in major corporations as most businesses will just take advantage of tax breaks and provide dividends to shareholders and bonuses to execs. Full time jobs with benefits will not be plentiful. Raising the deficit and kicking it down the road for a real president to have to clean up is embarrassing but I expect nothing less from a bozo like Trump who managed to bankrupt his casinos during the peak era of casino gambling.

Not to worry though, the village idiot, Brooks, will be ok as he earns his living on his knees with his mouth stuffed with dick, balls and semen and with all the gay republicans in Ohio his dance card will be full through 2025.