You might be surprised, even fast food jobs are probably going to be tough to get.

#1. Go to labor ready tommorow morning. I have heard that if you go every morning and you really stick with it, they will find something for you. The first 2 or 3 days they might say they dont have anything and tell you to come back in the morning. Go every day. After 3 or 4 days they will give you some shit bust your ass job that pays minimum wage. They pay you the same day you work.

#2. Go give blood plasma. That will give you 20 or 30 dollars for a while.

#3. Even if you were fired, you can get unemployment. Unless you got fired for stealing or something else illegal.

#4. Even if no unemployment, you can qualify for food stamps if you have no income and a dependent under 18 they have to give you food stamps.

#5. You can fish for food and have your wife cook it.

#6. Are you owed a tax return ? If you have a kid you can claim Earned income tax credit and get back up to $6000. You qualify unless you earned like 80K or more last year which seems unlikely if you just lost your job and have only $7. You can speed file that and get it in a week.

#7. List on Craigslist that you will do any shit job that anyone wants and you will take shit $$$ for it. Legally, they dont have to even pay you minimum wage. If you will bust your ass 10 hours for $20 or $30 I am sure someone has something for you.

Do you have any skill at all like plumbing, mechanic skills, ability to move people, fix things, etc that you would do for someone at like 20%-30% of what a professional would charge ?

There are a lot of options here, and I know they all suck. But they are options. Dont fuking gamble. That is probably what got you in this mess, dont think its going to get you out.