Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27267939'>posted</a> on 10/10/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by infamousbacardi View Post
But does it become a matter of detracting from their cause? Is this the same as no publicity is bad publicity, or does doing it in a way to support their cause but put down the cause of others (Americanism) and thus creating divisiveness instead of unity toward their cause?
Absolutely...I really believe most Americans are of the feeling that their fellow Americans can do whatever they want for the most part re: religion, politics, education, lifestyle, etc. as long as they are not shoving down other peoples throat. If you wanna practice Buddhism, great, more power to you but I sure as sh*t don't wanna hear about it for 3 hours over Thanksgiving dinner. If we go to happy hour for a beer and you lean left and I lean right, don't sit their and spew hard hitting political issues and I'll do the same....see these players are basically ruining "happy hour" for a lot of people who are sick and tired of all the political bullsh*t in this country, they chose the "biggest stage" in the NFL but unfortunately it was the wrong stage.