Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=27079397'>posted</a> on 07/11/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
this guy broke yet?

this is the new most annoying thread in players talk
quit being so fukkin hateful dude
Your so freaking negative
Im not sure whats going on in your life that makes you want to spit venom randomly at people Rudy
but you need to cheer up . No way you go around in your daily life hating on everybody in every way
possible , it would of caught up to you by now . So why do it here, just because you can ?
This thread rocks btw , if you dont like it then dont click on it . Its ONE thread in players talk
ONE , he isnt littering players talk with multiple threads for his daily bets or conversations

No reason to respond back to me as you have no argument
as said above, all you gotta do is never click on the thread again
Your antics look like something only someone who was completely miserable would replicate
Not trying to be a dikk , but just look at your last 100 posts and you tell me what one should think

Lighten up and enjoy the site
Cant even give Daggles some love for not only posting a spreadsheet (which less than 5% of people do)
but to keep posting that spreadsheet even when they are getting their ass kicked.
Dont throw bad vibes his way, either dont comment at all or wish the damn dude luck in getting back on track

I mean hell, he wasnt even rude to you after you were a dikk

to him in consecutive posts in his own thread.......