Originally posted on 07/06/2017:

Funny that SBR has really thrown this topic out to me as I had never noticed it growing up down under nor paid any attention to overseas politics if it wasn't something major (still don't). The divide you guys have is something else that I'll never get my head around it's fascinating.

We've got an election coming up in a few months but I'd say 90% of the population have no idea when it is and 75% don't care, I know it's in a few months but not sure when and don't care. Ignorance is bliss and we're probably going about it the wrong way but it looks a whole lot more chilled than the USA. About a month after our election we've already forgotten/don't care there was one.

Such an us v them mentality that as I mentioned in my first paragraph I just find fascinating.

All good though, Americans are super nice people that I've found, mostly Cali and the north east states I've met, good carnts.