Originally posted on 07/03/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post
But you want to, that's why you're a socialist! You want to raise taxes on people like me so you can take it for yourself, because you're a greedy dick! LOL

I produce value for people that do business with me. If it were meaningless, people wouldn't be wanting to do business with me. LOL

josh it seems the more you post the crazier you write. you calling people a socialist and saying they want to raise taxes on you. first no individual raises taxes, taxes are what people pay so a republic or democracy can work well. does it always, of course not. but without a formal taxation policy we would have anarchy.

I have never received a transfer payment in my working life. I still feel that the purpose of good government is to provide safety nets, infrastructure, health insurance and so much more. you on the other hand want to return to the beginning of the IR were every single person had no protection from big business. if you lost your life on the job you were tossed on your porch. If you lost an arm you were shit out of luck. those days are gone forever josh.

you may not like it but you may be smart enough to realize that the progressives always advance in this country, sometimes it takes time because of people that think like you. but it is inevitable. the days that you long for are over my friend.