Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26996698'>posted</a> on 06/01/2017:

congrats all top 12
first time on the squad but I seen spider making a thread to post up player schedules which i thought was a great idea, so made a thread for our big penis squad as well... not sure if this is final scores / ranks but this is top 12 team

1) Sinmiedo
2) Snapperman2
3) Millertime99
4) Joeybagels
5) Krashman
6) Nitlogic
7) Aggieshawn
8) Firekillex
9) Beerdog99
10) Vbpro7
11) Bracerman
12) Cankid

lets figure out what times we can all play in this thread so we dont miss any slots and can get the first place for the holy maple leaf

Team Match Schedule Monday June 5 — Thursday June 8)

Twelve tournaments per day from 12:00PM-11:00PM ET.