Originally posted on 05/07/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by Russian Rocket View Post
Putin actually doesn't have to say anything at all - Russians themselves know that this shit is sick.
Anytime we see that something like is about to go down on our streets - we take the justice to our own hands...and police just stays down and enjoys the show.
Got it. Just a clarification: Us and Them reference was reference to the conservative people (us) and the purveyors of perversity (as depicted in the photo)

Putin's reference concerned the sick "bestiality" legally sanctioned in Germany. His very appropriate comment resonated when I saw the photo. Big Putin fan here, and if he had anything to do with keeping the trigger happy witch out of power, all the better. Throwing the perverted Pussy Riot in the can was what they deserved.

He didn't "invade" Crimea. (You know this stuff already)

Iraq...now that was an invasion!

"Anytime we see that something like is about to go down on our streets - we take the justice to our own hands...and police just stays down and enjoys the show."

Think we're learning slowly but surely. Some "good ole boys" finally got together and whacked "antifa" after enduring enough of their violence.