Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26939598'>posted</a> on 05/02/2017:

Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
I think both are wrong. Fans heckling Canseco over roids is a little different though considering he did do roids and him pointing at his biceps was probably a way of him taking it lighthearted, not sure. Racial slurs just different especially for blacks considering the history here, dont think a fan should make fun of a player being fat and if there was a history here of hanging, exploiting, and mistreatment of fat people in the past here then it would make it even worse. Thats just me, cheering and booing seems enough in my eyes. Some fans are all in players faces pointing and cursing at them in basektball games just seems a little much to me.
Here's what Adam Jones should have said:

Reporter- "So we heard that there some racial insults being hurled at you. What is your take Adam?"

Adam Jones - "Hey man, people pay to come to the game. They can say whatever they want. It doesn't bother me. Do you think I got to where I go to in life by having what someone says about me affect me? I'm way too mentally tough for that. It doesn't bother me. I don't care. People can say whatever they want about me. This is America. Everyone has the right to an opinion"

That's how an alpha male would respond.

Adam Jones is nothing but a beta excuse making weakling.