Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26773615'>posted</a> on 02/07/2017:

Mind you... Sammy does not care how one bets his $$$


Last night a guy was doing that and selecting when to bet full odds or not - probably betting odds 70% of the time

OK , cool. Its his money

About 30 mins in... he starts telling the whole table we all should do what he is doing He said "House has no edge" and insinuated we were stupid - One guy next to him politely began explaining to him the flaw in his thinking

Long story short... the table got heated because the know-it-all guy got louder (could have been drinking/drugs) with his bullshit. Finally the floorman told the whole table to 'drop it' - guy stopped for 5 mins then started again

Security escorted him out