Originally posted on 11/12/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Notorious_Donk View Post
I have heard so many African Americans bash Trump and hate on Trump like he is some terrorist. But this is an honest question and I expect an honest answer... what has President Obama done for you? To my black friends and black posters, he has done nothing. Check the crime rates in his "beloved" state of Illinois.

It's time to give someone like Donald Trump a chance. Please reply with a plausible argument
I know this hard to believe but try and understand at least for me I can't speak for all black people but it's not about what President Obama was going to do for me. It's about not electing a racist asshole. At this point do I really have to go over all of it? He's backed by David duke and all the other klansmen his father has a questionable past as far as racism allegations. Ivanka's mother said Trump idolizes hitler had his book on the night stand. When he said " The blacks" it was obvious what he was doing. Fukk him and his supporters

"not all trump supporters are racist

but all racists are trump supporters "

that is such a great quote I can't remember if it was someone on the young Turks or real time but it's excellent.

Almost all white supremacist voted for trump.

WHite people are pissed off I get it but c'mon you just elected a racist reality show asshole to the most powerful position in the world.