Originally posted on 11/10/2016:

In not sure. I was born in 1989 and feel like my generation is very entitled. It really irks me cause I'm a big time conservative. I believe that if you work hard you can succeed in America but all of my peers (not my circle of friends) seem to blame everyone else for their problems.

I started working when I was 17, and although I didn't move out right away I began contributing to the household. After I got my first paycheck my parents never had to support me in anyway. Of course I still ate their food and lived in their house but most of my friends parents paid for their college, their insurance, and gave them fun money. I would of never accepted anything from my parents and still never have.

I never went to school but I was always fairly bright. I started working in transportation and logistics and was making at the age of 19 what some of these college grads hoped to make out of college. Living on my own I was still saving 60% of my take home pay. I eventually bought a house with a good downpayment. Everyone else sits around and complains about student loans, how unfair it is that some people have all the money, and how bad insert political figure is. All while having the newest designer clothes, phones, and cars. This is because they deserve it.

My parents didn't necessarily raise me this way. My parents were democrats and typical consumerist Americans. They spent 105% of their income like most and lived above their means. The first time I asked about democrats and republicans my dad told me the republicans were for the rich. This is the type of dumbfound grasp they had on politics. However they did raise me to be a saver and I did that well and that habit stuck with me through adulthood. When I got my first great paying job instead of buying a new car, iPhone, or other material item I invested that money in 2009, at the best time you could have and my returns have been amazing.

i guess what I'm saying is parents can and do shape childrens lives but I think the individual is as much to blame as the parents. Some of these kids have degrees and are book smart but have no common sense as to how the world works.