Originally posted on 10/25/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Greget View Post
No actually the opposite is true. Before Obamacare many people couldn't even get health insurance because of prices, preexisting conditions, lifetime caps, etc...

Premiums are going up, they always go up, the question is how much, and the evidence suggests they are going up less now than before Obamacare.
LOL!! A sucker born every minute!!

My favorite is the Obamacare Chief Architect, Jonathan Gruber, who ADMITS that they relied on "the stupidity of the American voter" to get Obamacare to pass.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not some conservative critic in the video. This is one of the people who helped craft the bill ADMITTING that they were deliberately lying to the people, and it was the "stupidity of the American voter" that got it to pass. That's you he is talking about, buddy.