Originally posted on 10/20/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
When trump talks about walls and borders that wakes up American voters I think..

I wanna believe most Americans don't want America to be blown up by rogue Syrian refugees that we took in.. I really don't think Americans want to continue to be over run by illegal Mexicans either that continue to pour in at record numbers..

Illegal immigrants don't pay taxes and do take workable jobs from Americans that are out of work and desperate even for labor jobs...
Yeah like jj gold was trying to do cut grass and shovel snow.

Get real....all the food you eat and the manicured lawns you see wouldn't be possible without undocumented workers. And I won't even go into the jobs Americans won't do like cleaning your toilets and sweeping your living rooms. Why do you think previous administrations haven't talked about kicking them out? America would be a mess without undocumented workers so please get real.

And btw illegal Americans do pay taxes unlike the guy who is running for president.