Originally posted on 10/20/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
If the Repubs get a trouncing at all levels, I hope Trump has made them look in the mirror. Their message sucks.
This country is more right-center than left-center. I truly believe that. If the Republicans would just get with the times and understand how archaic their approach and view is when it comes to almost every social issue in our country today, you could see a resurrection of their party.

As it stands, catering to the uneducated simpletons and old white men in 2016 (i.e., SBR in a nutshell) gets you nowhere, which is going to continue to be the case as we shift more and more toward a multi-cultured society.

If they'd get with the times, they'd be back with a vengeance. Their lack of leadership and attention to detail is literally amazing.