Originally posted on 10/06/2016:

Guys it's sweet that you're here to help try but read the entire thread. The most points rich guy at SBR loaned to a guy he knew was a stiff a few times over (to the point where he had even posted in the thread I made about ANT being a stiff before he loaned him). It was as slip up I'm sure and doesn't absolve ANT, but not exactly where we all need to mobilize a "SAVE FERRIS" campaign.

Here's a metaphor since you are all poker players. Imagine Rounders had another scene in which a guy, who had watched the entire movie, gave a loan to Worm. Would you feel for him when worm stiffed? We're not talking good guy turned sudden stiff. We're talking CAREER stiff/slow pay to which try loaned. Try forgot and/or didn't do his homework and that has consequences.

Try is a tremendous guy all that said and consider this a free bump. He'll be ok too.