Originally posted on 08/14/2016:

Let's break Hillary and the Donald down.

Twice Hillary is exonerated of any wrongdoing by the senate and the FBI on two different subjects.
Didn't say a negative word about those investigations and faced her accusers in person eye to eye.
Everyone calling her a killer and a liar, before the final verdicts. Still do after the fact.

Trump when facing a mexican judge, cries to high heaven saying he's biased for him saying mexicans are rapists.
Has cried about the RNC out to get him on multiple occasions. Cried about the media out to get him. Now he's
crying about the elections will be rigged.

Moral of these two stories is, one faces their accusers while the other runs and cries about theirs.

Do you want a bitch who will be strong or one that cries like one?