Originally posted on 07/25/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by 15805 View Post
Pure nonsense!
If in fact a Russian hacker was the one who hacked the DNC emails, find that
man and give him the Pullitzer Prize for bringing to the attention of the American
People the anti-democratic doings at the DNC.

Obama interfered in the Israeli presidential elections of behalf of Bibi's opponent,
that was indefensible, but the Russian hackers if it indeed was a Russian hacker
should be commended for shedding light on this gruesome attempt by the DNC
to insure Clinton's nomination
You're comfortable in Putin trying to influence the US election only because you think it benefits your guy.

That you're cool with a communist KGB Russian murderous dictator hacking the computers of an American party in order to influence the American people in the US elections.....sad!