Originally posted on 07/27/2016:

All these allegations for 20 plus years an not one has stuck. Maybe u guys are just pigeons to nitwit neocon radio and Fox "let me manipulate jackasses" News. You clowns are the reason a lot of voters who would stay home actually vote. The same crowd who still believe in trickle down economics and gave us the Iraq war and basically have been wrong about everything now want us all to believe this woman is a crook while your guy has killed more business with his bankruptcy than she can ever dream of. Why is that a surprise tho. You asshats backed a guy last year who's fortune came from destroying companies in America and shipping them overseas. You really are pieces of ignorant shit. Yeah i know Benghazi. 9/11 was on your guys watch that killed over 3000 of our citizens. The Iraq war was on ur guys watch. A total fuk up that will cost us for decades and cost us about another five to ten thousand citizens. Oh and Bin Laden being caught was on the Democrats watch. Ignorant fuks who wont take blame for anything. Did nitwit neocon radio ever let u guys in that Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 or they still running with that? There is a reason a poll was done which came out that Fox News watchers are the most misinformed people in America. Yeah i know emails WTF.