Originally posted on 07/06/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Greget View Post
Who cares? Everyone wants to fix the problem, but it will take real solutions, not demagoguery. Sorry to burst your bubble, but donald has none. There is no way back, only forward. Kids don't have opportunities because Republicans refuse to invest in them. Only Democrats are serious about making college affordable, investing in infrastructure, retraining those who have lost jobs to tech,outsourcing.

There ought to be at SBR kind of like a MINOR LEAGUE forum for posters such as you to bone up on
'ISSUES' before entering a grown ups forum. The notions you present are feeble minded utopian hogwash.
You are the Marie Harf of the forum, she who gave the catastrophic foreign policy of the Obama administration
a lighter than air, Valley Girl kind of feel. Keep it up it's funny stuff, Harf insures us all that we must provide
ISIS with JOBS so they won't resort to terrorism even you can't beat that one.