Originally posted on 06/24/2016:

People - aka JJ - like to act like the sky is falling when really any immediate ill effects will right themselves shortly if they haven't already. The only really shitty thing I've heard so far over here is that one of our major banks has frozen their foreign currency cards because the rate kept fluctuating so badly so Aussie workers in the UK who are getting paid from Aussie companies are fukked at the moment. Can't even take out $10 and on a weekend - and with no notice or reaching out to people. People just found out after work when they went to ATMs and had zero cash available all of a sudden. There won't be any horror stories and any bumps will be dealt with because the whole process is going to happen so slowly. Every other friggen area of the world operates independently. Surely the moocher countries - big and small - can finally find motivation to sort themselves out. I loved living in the UK but seriously they got taken for a ride with the whole EU thing - especially when the borders properly opened. I know just from here where the vast majority of scammers come from trying to rob SBR on a daily basis and two of the biggest offenders - Bulgaria and Slovakia - are EU countries who have flooded the UK so I don't blame them for wanting to finally shut the door. I can only imagine the drama and trouble they've been having. The EU is only beneficial if you have the passport and want to easily move or if you're a moocher country or a large slack one. Crappy concept the whole thing and now watch the smart ones jump too.