Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25813404'>posted</a> on 06/03/2016:

Trump supporters exercising their constitutional rights to go to a peaceful rally for a political candidate they support and get hit in the face with bags of rocks, have eggs thrown at them, and sucker punched, all by rabid protesters, many of whom are illegal.

Could you imagine going to Mexico and flying American Flags and harrassing Mexican Citizens?

Illegal aliens are INVADERS. That is what they are, an invading force. Therefore they should be treated as such and squashed like the invading force they are.

They provide no benefit to America. People say they benefit the economy by doing jobs Americans won't do but that is BS. They drain far more in taxpayer dollars via welfare and such.

We need to cleanse this country from the plague known as illegal immigrants