Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25789926'>posted</a> on 05/29/2016:

Never been in a union. But the problem is obvious. If you have people that benefit from a union but do not pay dues, plenty of people will opt and just take the benefits the union provides. You either want a union or you don't. This is what Republicans themselves recognize as the "freerider" problem.

After a while you have half the employees not paying dues and the union goes under.

If you don't want to pay due then you don't take the union job and the higher pay. It's optional. Just like any Republican will tell you. If you don't like the job, get another one that pays more.

If you don't like union dues then quit.

The question is does the other hospital have the same pay and benefits because of the union (have to meet the competition) or would you have it either way?

Don't think a union is all that advantageous with a hospital since that is a high wage job. Unions are more beneficial for jobs that the employer can bust the employees down like coal mine, super market, Wal-Mart, etc. For a hospital, a union probably only helps the custodians, maintenance and such.