Originally posted on 03/14/2016:

Another great one. Shows the danger of prejudice and reacting before you know the facts. A big problem in today's society. Something happens, people make up their minds, then the social justice warriors wrap their own selfish cause around the issue. This case was particularly sinister as the D.A. had the entire state behind him as well as public opinion in order to sacrifice these kids so he could win an election. Some evil shit.

I thought they could have tied up the conclusion a little better. The 3 Duke players who were exonerated sued the city of Durham and the final settlement was a one time $50,000 grant to the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission. Pretty cool. Hopefully, they sued some of the newspaper outlets as well. Funny how the media can print and report lies for a year, then print a simple retraction or an apology and it's all good. Everyone remembers the uproar and the constant coverage...nobody remembers the ending. Ask 100 people about the Duke Lacrosse team scandal and I'd be surprised if 10 could tell you how the case ended accurately.