Originally posted on 02/28/2016:

So the guy who constantly runs around hammering stiffs and slow pays clearly offers a bet here and then clearly loses. He then decides he is going to stiff me because he made a stupid offer shooting off his mouth.


Specifically, please see post #43 where he offers

Quote Originally Posted by bobbywaves View Post

Tat already lost a 100k challenge. He couldn't sniff 10k, let alone 100k. I'll bet your 72k I reach 100k before him, neither of us can solicit any loans to get there.

And then post #51 where I simultaneously accept and win wager.

Quote Originally Posted by downsouth View Post
Bet Accepted. The points I sent to Tat are a gift. They are NOT A LOAN and no payback is expected. I purposely waited to accept in order for you to not be able to edit your above post offering the wager which clearly lists a race between you and Tat to 100k and no ability to solicit loans. Bet was offered, accepted and you not having 100k have clearly lost. Please ship me my 72k points at your earliest convenience because we all know waves is no stiff, right?

He wager offer clearly states he bets he will reach 100k before Tat and his only stipulation is that no loans be solicited by himself or Tat. I gifted(which is certainly not a loan nor was it solicited) Tat 100k points because its funny to beat Bobby when he is shooting off his mouth.

Am I wrong here, If you are a judge and have to decide what do you decide?