Originally posted on 02/21/2016:

Each recession hurts the middle class. Especially the last one we had. With a flood of people to choose from,
if companies do hire, they will hire those who will take less money, less benefits or only hire part time to keep
costs down.

Notice the demise of unions since Reagan blasted the aircontollers union when they tried to strike? How about Scott
Walker on a seek and destroy mission on unions?

Notice the demise of companies wanting more profit and moving overseas? All attributed to high wages.

Until our stupid govt stops with trade deals, we will be 3rd world before you know it.

Our docks are filled to capacity with cheap counterfeit shit that is duty free. We could pay down the debt in one year
by taxing probably 1% of that stuff.

Oil prices were through the roof mostly because of speculators. Bernie's idea to tax the hell out of them is a
good idea.

Point is, there's so much shit going on against us working stiffs, it's amazing we are still solvent.