Originally posted on 02/06/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by astro61200 View Post
Germany certainly has a lead on the US in the genocide rankings, though
About the best you can say for US is that we're not killing innocents on as massive a scale as other countries have in the past...I wouldn't say it makes our deliberate, calculated killing of innocent people any less repulsive though. Despite the way we seem to be headed, there are still plenty of things to celebrate about living in the US...our foreign policy isn't one of them, and quite deservedly gives us a bad international reputation. Doesn't appear likely to change when we keep electing politicians based on which target they want to go to war with, instead of questioning the wisdom of spending money we don't have creating more enemies

Quote Originally Posted by JAKEPEAVY21 View Post
German automobiles are better than ours

they also have better manufacturing and economy

not a whole lot to be proud of in the US these days unfortunately
Nossir, but nobody to blame but ourselves; unlike most other countries which had freedoms taken away from them by force, our electorate willingly chooses to surrender their freedoms (through the method of trying to limit the freedoms of those they disagree with and having the same logic applied to their freedoms)