Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25204745'>posted</a> on 01/25/2016:

Im 100% convinced that the AFC game was fixed and the Patriots knew going in what they were supposed to do. Did you see Brady fired up at all? No he only gets fired up when he know he's going to win. I simply don't understand why professional football must be fixed. I have a hard time accepting that it is, even though my eyes tell me it is. Belichick sold out. He didn't kick the field goals. He didn't want to win. They knew they were going to lose going in. They intentionally gave up the home field in the last two games. Help me accept this. How many other sports are fixed besides NFL and tennis?? Is there any integrity in sports today? I bet the Broncos because the line looked fishy and public was all over Patriots, but I didn't think the coach for New England would throw the game and Tom Brady throw that many bad balls. It looked so controlled. Brady was never that emotional. Do players get paid under the table for this or is it just part of the gig. Refs control a lot but never seen such horrible play calling and decisions by a great coach.